Most of us go through life without ever stopping to think about the role that friction and vibration play in our lives. We don’t realize that nearly 20% of all the power we consume is used to overcome friction. Over 20% of pollutants in the air are due simply to friction. And while humanity has long known about and tried to address issues related to friction, it was only about 60 years ago that the study and practice of wear and friction was given a name: Tribology.
Most of the solutions to address friction come in the form of lubricants and grease. Lubricants help to overcome friction so that motors can work and the items we build can move. However, these lubricants quickly wear down, and often we are left with toxic, long-lasting chemicals. Unfortunately, most of us have become resigned to the idea that we have to use these toxic chemicals, that we have to waste 20% of all of our power overcoming friction, and that parts, cars, and machines really only have a short shelf life, and we should expect to have to throw them away and get new ones in the very near future (we plan to say a lot more about “obsolescence” and “planned obsolescence” in the near future).
But what if we have been approaching these issues all wrong? What if the real answer to overcoming friction and vibration is simply to eliminate it? Transmutation, a concept you may have learned about from Harry Potter, is defined as the act of changing form. But imagine this concept being applied to the surface of metal. What if we could transmute the molecules on the surface of metal to make it perfectly smooth and significantly stronger? Nearly all friction would be eliminated, leading to significant power savings, a significant reduction in emissions, and the elimination of almost all small metal shavings.
For over 35 years, Duravi’s Chief Scientist has been dreaming of and testing solutions to achieve this goal. He has quietly been testing it in the market for over the last decade. And now, this revolutionary product is ready to be introduced to the world. Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” It might seem like magic, but the results speak for themselves. Be one of the first to join the revolution.
Duravi Catalyst
Duravi transmutes rough, irregular surfaces on a molecular level into a smooth, even plane that curbs friction and degradation. Leaving surfaces with enhanced shine and durability.
ViSUAL evidence
Duravi Catalyst
Before applying Duravi, equipment typically exhibits significant vibration and surface ridges due to friction.
However, as the transmutation process takes effect, these vibrations and ridges steadily decrease until they are almost imperceptible, indicating a near-total elimination of friction.
Bearing surface before application
(1,000X magnified)
Rough, uneven surface that creates more friction and wear
Bearing surface after Duravi application
(1,000X magnified)
Smooth, even surface that limits friction and reduces wear.
Vibrational evidence
Duravi Catalyst
By using vibration sensors, we can watch and measure when the transmutation occurs. We first witness normal vibration. Then a slight increase in vibration.
And then… almost all the vibration disappears.
Duravi Catalyst
Experience the power of Duravi Catalyst in action. Watch as our demonstration on steel highlights its ability to transform metal surfaces, reduce friction, and enhance durability like never before.
Hardening Evidence
Duravi Catalyst
Treating metal with Duravi increases the metal’s hardness without sacrificing flexibility or increasing brittleness.